Copyright @ 2014 Stephanie Chan Life Coaching, All rights reserved.
The secret I learned over 20 years of dating before finally discovering the key to finding the right relationship is this:
Success in love & relationships has very little to do with anything outside of yourself!
I tried out all the "tricks", tips and programs. I blamed the men, blamed myself, sometimes felt abandoned, often hurt, and constantly wondered why everyone else seemed to find it so easy to find their "one".
I thought if I just got skinnier, prettier, funnier, better dressed, better hair, wealthier, a higher ranking job...then I would find someone who would stick around...the list was endless!
In the end it came down to what I believed & how I felt about myself.
The evidence for this is everywhere. We tend to place so much emphasis on how we look, yet there are incredibly good looking, successful & "together" people with zero self-esteem, and some who would not be considered oil paintings who have all the confidence and success in the world!
Getting to that great space is a journey. It's neither quick nor easy. You have to do the work, and you have to be committed to changing......WHATEVER IT TAKES
Do not sell yourself short by giving up on finding a great relationship! You deserve it, and you can have it!
Getting you crystal clear on what (and who!) you truly want
Identifying any restrictive or negative beliefs you have, the key things that stand in your way, and working step by step to release these
Changing your belief & mindset about yourself and men
Learning to understand & work with your own psychology
Building confidence & self-belief
Discovering & harnessing your own value
Learning how to attract the RIGHT type of guy
Getting you practising techniques to create dates....easily!
Writing a great profile for online dating & managing how you use sites
Effective communication with men
Get in touch - I'd love to have a chat with you about your love life and how I can help!

When I embarked on my life coaching sessions six months ago, I just wanted to achieve some happiness & contentment in my life after having come out of a really bad relationship some years earlier.
Steph helped me grow my confidence, confront some long held fears, sparked my enthusiasm & pushed my boundaries to help me find the inner me.
Now, because of all the work I have done with Steph on myself, I am open again to relationships & I have attracted the most amazing man into my life - I am so excited at what the future might hold & know that none of this would have been possible without walking this journey hand in hand with my life coach."
J. Friedman, Sydney, NSW