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Copyright @ 2014 Stephanie Chan Life Coaching, All rights reserved.

I know your first question will be ‘Why?’, followed by What’s the catch?’

....there is none.  


So why am I doing this?


One of my frustrations as a coach is that it can be a very high labour to change ratio – ie the work I do will mostly only affect one person and their life.  It’s a slow way to change the world, although a valuable one.


So I began to think about how I could multiply that effect out more…… The answer: get more coaches out there!  I don’t believe in ‘competition’ because coaching is such a personal choice for your clients – they’ll choose YOU because they click with you and no other reason.  No one can replicate or compete with that.  And if we want to live abundant lives we need to act abundantly.


The world needs you/us right now – there are so many disillusioned and lost people living unnatural, unhealthy and non-compassionate or destructive lives and wondering why they do what they do and feel like crap…as well as their impact on our world and propagating negativity and harm.  As far as I’m concerned, the more coaches, the better the world and the faster we can get there.


The only catch for me is that I have a limited amount of time so I am only going to select a small number of budding coaches to help at a time, so forgive the questionnaire that’s about to come your way – I need to know as much about you as possible in order to determine your level of commitment, if we are a match to work together, and if I can help you.  


How will mentoring work?


Most coaches I work with are just starting out & need a lot of help, so I can assist with:


  • getting focus and prioritisation right

  • talking over any curly problems clients are having (confidentially) to determine best approach

  • problems within yourself that are affecting your coaching and/or business, like procrastination etc

  • business set up

  • sales funnels and lead generation

  • admin and back office processes 

  • website and marketing


You will be able to contact me by email or text at any time.  We will speak by phone, Zoom or Skype, time permitting.


I will assist you by sharing my systems, strategies, advice and insights.  If I have any resources that will help I will happily share them with you.


It will be up to you to get in touch regularly as and when you need to, and drive your own follow up and business progress, but I am here to help whenever you need me, even if it's only once a year.


Is there any payment?


No, I offer this mentoring completely free.  However, what I will ask you to do is Pay it Forward by agreeing to mentor other coaches in the future, free of charge, and/or coaching some people for free, or in some other way contributing to the world out of compassion and a desire to help, without payment or return.  You decide. 


What to do now?


Unfortunately I'm currently full up - please check back in a month or two!


If you’d like to become one of my ‘mentees’ please email me at and complete the following questions in your email. 



  1. Full name, age and location

  2. How long ago did you begin studying or practicing Life Coaching; what involvement in Life Coaching have you had so far?

  3. Have you ever been to a Life Coach yourself and what was your experience like?

  4. Is Life Coaching your full time or part time profession?

  5. If part time, what is your other work and how many hours are you doing Life Coaching per week?

  6. Do you have paying clients at the moment, and if so how many per fortnight roughly on average?

  7. OR, are you working with free clients (how many), or are you yet to start working with clients?

  8. What part of your coaching business are you struggling the most with at the moment?  Knowing how to help clients / lead generation / systems & processes / etc – please specify if it’s something else

  9. Why did/do you want to be a Life Coach?

  10. What is your longer term goal re coaching?

  11. Please give me a little bio on what you are about and what you believe, ie your values and how you live your life

  12. What do you currently do in your life now to contribute or live a compassionate life?

  13. What are some personal changes you want to make in your own life, where you think you could be doing better (besides coaching) – ie your personal standards, habits, discipline, goal setting

  14. What type of client would you ideally like to work with?  What type of challenge or area of coaching would you most like to focus on, if any?





Thanks for being such a good human and wanting to make a difference in the world.  

I will be in touch with you within just a few days if I am able to fit you in.


Love and light,


Steph x



As a new coach, I was lucky enough to be accepted for mentoring with Steph, and I cannot do justice to how much value I have gotten out of having her as a mentor.  Even the fact that Steph offers such a program in this day and age is testament to how genuine she is in wanting to help aspiring coaches reach their potential and in an authentic way.


When we first started working together, I was so impressed by her ability to quickly build rapport, make me feel comfortable, really listen to my questions or concerns, and have a laugh which is so important too!  The extent of her life experiences, knowledge of all things coaching, human behaviour, why we do what we do (as well as the business side) has been so inspiring. 


She has been so incredibly generous with her time, and sharing her knowledge and resources - I'm so truly grateful and will never forget the impact she has had in helping me get my new business off the ground.


Thank you Steph!  




                       Lisa O'Donoghue, Brisbane, QLD

Life coaching reveiws Sydney




Copyright @ 2017 Stephanie Chan Life Coaching, All rights reserved.

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